Monday, October 28, 2013

Made Building A Little Bit Better!

Okay I'll be the first to say so far it looks like we are trying to replicate minecraft. That is not at all what we are aiming for. We just really like the build system and I mean honestly it's not like we can make a build system out of rectangles so we used blocks. Also I'll be the first to say that our textures aren't the best but we aren't after a photo realistic game, we want the indie to show.

This picture is just a quick fort I threw together out of dirt. I wanted something that would show why mountable turrets will be handy. Imagine mounting a turret up on the top left part and manning the windows with your pixel m14's and 50 caliber sniper rifles while an army of people charge at the wall of your fort. Will you be able to fight them off? You will soon be able to test your skills on the battlefield in "Bite 8ullets"

Keep showing us your support! Follow us on twitter @YottiBit

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