Thursday, October 24, 2013

Thought Spot #1

Hey guys occasionally I'm going to post a "Thought Spot" to write down my current ideas so I can go back and think about them. Basically right now I'm focusing all my time getting a decent map built. I'm really struggling with this because it is almost like I spend hours on one tiny chunk of the map and it still looks "unfinished". It haunts me to think about having to create more than one map and how tedious it will get. Also the idea of running out of assets and portraying a "repetitive" map. I don't want to bring something unoriginal to the table but I just don't have the patience or time to model any more assets. I think I'm going to have to find someone who can model, the only issue is if they're worth having then they don't work for free and I don't have the money for that. I want to kickstart this indie project but I don't have enough to show yet. Then again I could always make it resemble a closely finished game by getting the HUD finished and adding in sounds. This would look very impressive on kickstart but what would they think when they read that the game probably won't be released until at least another 6 months, then there will be the debugging phase which will most likely consume another 2 months of my life. All this with no profit. Which is okay because I'm doing this as a learning experience and for fun.

On the other hand I have started thinking about my next project, one that is intended to make me at least a little bit of profit. I don't want to release too much information as I don't want someone to beat me to it because it is definitely an original idea bound to go big. You will see this project soon. I am going to focus 80% of my time on the FPS but I will contribute at least 20% of my time starting to develop this other game. My team is very onboard with the second idea.

Anyway please leave some comments they help me a lot in the thought process and are very appreciated! Thank you.

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