Thursday, October 31, 2013

Interview With MinecraftRobot10

Hey guys I thought I'd get another interview on YottiBit Studio's upcoming game. I found MinecraftRobot10 on the chat at PMC.

Robot disagrees with most people on the topic of indie games and the appreciation for them.

"I feel indie games are very appreciated" Robot said. I found this odd since most others believe they are less appreciated and unnoticed.

This further peaked my curiosity to query his thoughts on indie game dev teams.

"I think [the] advantages [are] like, the game might be updated a lot because most Big Game Developers make tons of game and only few updates for each game" Robot said. In my comprehension of this statement I believe he likes indie dev teams because they focus more on their games instead of just pushing as many as they can into the public.

Robot also said something that made YottiBit change our upcoming game a bit because we didn't want his statement to be true.

"I think It is too similar to minecraft but it would be a good free alternative for minecraft." Robot said.

That is exactly what YottiBit doesn't want to hear. We don't want everyone claiming we ripped Minecraft off because of our building concept so we are doing are best to avoid a Minecraft like game play.

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