Friday, November 1, 2013

How To Make A Forum Thread That'll Get Views

We've all experienced the sadness yielded by posting a forum thread that gets a very important idea across and gets no views. You continuously click refreshing hoping to see replies and comments increase but they just stay at 0.

YottiBit has come up with a how to guide to solve your problem.

The steps to creating a good forum thread are as follows:
  • Catchy title
  • Quality Pictures
  • Interactive Context
  • Controversy

The catchy title bit is usually the most important in getting views because this is where users will decide whether they click it or not. You never want to be blunt about your title and just say "My cat is white". You want to intrigue the reader and make them wonder what the context of that thread is. An example would be "Is it a pile of snow or a cat".

Quality pictures are also super important to a good forum post. People like pictures and it's like they always say a picture is a thousand words. Put pictures of interesting things or to explain your argument/idea.

Do you like interactive context? Does it make reading more interesting to you when you have to think while you read instead of being hand fed by the writer? The two sentences before this are examples of interactive context. It'll keep the reader interested and make them think about the writing

Controversy is a great tool when it comes to getting replies and comments. If you provide a topic that is debatable then people will debate the topic in your comments. More comments means more views and this is exactly what you want.

Using these steps you can create a forum thread that people will enjoy reading and also leave feedback. This is a good way to get views and a great way to build up a following on projects or ideas. =

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