Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Excuses Excuses.

Mainly I'd like to apologize for the lack of updates that there will be this week. I don't plan on doing much due to family visiting. I hope to get some simple things done while he is here but chances are you will go dormant.

Secondly I'd like to put everything together in an overview of the game and ideas. I'd like to wrap everything up and make sure it's clear about what YottiBit is aiming for.

We have worked hard on developing the idea and I thought it is necessary for me to overview it.

The Basic Ideas:

"8ite Bullets" will be an FPS with a voxelized terrain mocking the concept of minecraft with mods. We want to create a semi realistic environment accompanied by a destructible voxel terrain. We are doing it like this because we savor high definition graphics but want to incorporate a sandbox aspect. Blocks are the easiest to do this with so that is the reason for using them. The graphics of the blocks are even considered high definition in comparison to standard minecraft textures.

When You Join A Game:

Once the game is finally ready for release joining a game will be fairly easy. You login with our custom coded login system with hashed and salted passwords (for your security) and it brings you to the lobby, from the lobby will be able to host, join, or search for games.

Wrap Up:

YottiBit is trying our very hardest to produce an indie game that'll make an impression. The main goal of our team is to prove that anyone can put a video game together in todays world with enough time spent on it. I had no PHP coding skill andI managed to code a very secure login system.

I just want to wrap up the blog with putting the highlights of everything in one post;

 This is the model of the soldier for one of the teams. We will only use one model per team to make it easier to identify friendlies vs. enemies.
This particular soldier is very detailed and we really like it. Also don't mind the missing sky texture.
 This is the model for the other teams soldier. He has a blue texture to make identification much easier to create a much faster paced game that realies more on strategy than just getting lucky and not having your enemy notice you.

This is just a photo that shows where we are at with block placing. There currently is no other block other than dirt but we plan to have; grass, dirt, cement, and wood. The cement will need to be crafted but it provides a much more durable fort. This is to add strategy and time management to the "prep" period of each round.

The video is very shaky thanks to youtube and their shake filter but other than that and the minor glitches/bugs enjoy the first video of semi gameplay!

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