Tuesday, November 12, 2013

We're Still Here

Hey guys YottiBit is still here! Sorry for the lack of updates as the game has been on standstill while my cousin is visiting. Although I haven't gotten anything done in the actual game a lot has been achieved in my mind about the design of things such as the HUD and the lobby.

I am leaning towards a simple HUD. It needs a radar, health bar, ammo, and an inventory for resources scavenged. I haven't yet got YottiBit's ideals on this matter but I'm sure they'll agree.

For the lobby we want 3 main functions. Join game, Host game, and Quit. Along with these 3 functions we want a server list that says the game mode and map names for each game. Also maybe tell the names of the players within that server.

We will also include a menu screen for when the user presses the esc key. On this menu we want a volume bar, graphics options, and a quit game button.

YottiBit also wants to include a chat bar on the bottom, this will allow players to socialize as well as strategize with their team members to make for a more meaningful and thrilling experience.

The last thing that I have been thinking about while away from my computer to catch up with my cousin is the effect on the players screen when receiving damage. We will want a red blur or splatter on the screen to enable the player to be aware of damage.

The photos in the slideshow are not of 8ite Bullets. They are from google search. I am using them solely to show the ideas that I am thinking about.

YottiBit will create their own content for the actual game. The images in the slideshow closely represent what YottiBit aims for.

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