Sunday, November 17, 2013

The Map

Sorry that the map is taking so long to build. I can't figure out a way of doing it other than placing every block. That is a lot of blocks; 2000*2000. Anyway I just want everyone to know that this game is still in development we just have been lacking updates as for what we are working on right now is a very slow and painful progress.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Bedrock Preview

Hey guys, I've been working on the first map. I finally got a bedrock texture that I think looks good.

You have to remember that there will only be blocks of this showing at any one moment in time. Here is the picture of it! Next picture there will be dirt on it, then the next picture there will be grass! Then trees!

Unity Releases Award Winners

Unity has released the winners of this years Unite contest. The winners definitely deserved recognition but some of the winners didn't really place where they should have. The list of the winners is as follows;

  • Community Choice - Endless Space
  • Best Student Project - SmartVCS
  • Technical Achievement - Marmoset Skyshop
  • Best 3D Artistic Experience - Guns of Icarus Online
  • Best 2D Artistic Experience - Year Walk
  • Best Gameplay - The Room
  • Best VizSim Project - teamLabBody
  • Best Non-game Project - Become Iron Man
  • Golden Cube - Endless Space
All these guys did a really impressive job with their work but some of them aren't the best. For example Endless space has beautiful graphics and a complex structure but it just isn't a very fun game. This could be due to my personal hate for sci-fi fantasy games though so there is bias here.

The same goes with Guns of Icarus, they have beautiful 3d graphics for an indie game but they just aren't the best. I think that Endless Space should have taken the place fore best 3D artistic experience. Their art is much better. Especially when it comes to the explosion animations/graphics.

Other than those two I believe everyone is where they belong. This contest is hosted by Unity every year and any indie developer is allowed to enter this contest. Hopefully we will see one of YottiBit's games on this list some year.

Endless Space:

Guns of Icarus Online:

Year Walk:

The Room:

Check out the official website here!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

First Map

Hey guys, my cousin went back south to his home so I'm back in action with the YottiBit Studios team and our upcoming game 8ite Bullets! I am going to start making the first map for the game! Things are starting to look good in my head as I think about what is left to do.

The structure of every map will be very simple. Each map will be 4 layers thick, except for where the terrain is raised to resemble hills and such. The first layer will be breakable grass, then 3 layers of breakable dirt then a non breakable layer of bedrock. On top of the terrain there will be trees and ruined homes/bases. All these will be used for scavenging supplies. Along with the map there will be spawn points for a random selection of tools, resources, and weapons.

Will keep you updated as I get back into my work flow!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

We're Still Here

Hey guys YottiBit is still here! Sorry for the lack of updates as the game has been on standstill while my cousin is visiting. Although I haven't gotten anything done in the actual game a lot has been achieved in my mind about the design of things such as the HUD and the lobby.

I am leaning towards a simple HUD. It needs a radar, health bar, ammo, and an inventory for resources scavenged. I haven't yet got YottiBit's ideals on this matter but I'm sure they'll agree.

For the lobby we want 3 main functions. Join game, Host game, and Quit. Along with these 3 functions we want a server list that says the game mode and map names for each game. Also maybe tell the names of the players within that server.

We will also include a menu screen for when the user presses the esc key. On this menu we want a volume bar, graphics options, and a quit game button.

YottiBit also wants to include a chat bar on the bottom, this will allow players to socialize as well as strategize with their team members to make for a more meaningful and thrilling experience.

The last thing that I have been thinking about while away from my computer to catch up with my cousin is the effect on the players screen when receiving damage. We will want a red blur or splatter on the screen to enable the player to be aware of damage.

The photos in the slideshow are not of 8ite Bullets. They are from google search. I am using them solely to show the ideas that I am thinking about.

YottiBit will create their own content for the actual game. The images in the slideshow closely represent what YottiBit aims for.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Indie Games On Steam

Yottibit hopes to see 8ite Bullets hit Steam on it's release. This idea lead us to doing some research and we wanted to post the results for the audience to see.

Yottibit would be a unique game probably classified as sandbox. That makes us very happy seeing how many sandbox games successfully got voted onto Steam.

Check out the results below for 2012; we hope to see 8ite Bullets being part of the succeeded list in the future!

Keep supporting us and our efforts to provide a very fun and unique game!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Excuses Excuses.

Mainly I'd like to apologize for the lack of updates that there will be this week. I don't plan on doing much due to family visiting. I hope to get some simple things done while he is here but chances are you will go dormant.

Secondly I'd like to put everything together in an overview of the game and ideas. I'd like to wrap everything up and make sure it's clear about what YottiBit is aiming for.

We have worked hard on developing the idea and I thought it is necessary for me to overview it.

The Basic Ideas:

"8ite Bullets" will be an FPS with a voxelized terrain mocking the concept of minecraft with mods. We want to create a semi realistic environment accompanied by a destructible voxel terrain. We are doing it like this because we savor high definition graphics but want to incorporate a sandbox aspect. Blocks are the easiest to do this with so that is the reason for using them. The graphics of the blocks are even considered high definition in comparison to standard minecraft textures.

When You Join A Game:

Once the game is finally ready for release joining a game will be fairly easy. You login with our custom coded login system with hashed and salted passwords (for your security) and it brings you to the lobby, from the lobby will be able to host, join, or search for games.

Wrap Up:

YottiBit is trying our very hardest to produce an indie game that'll make an impression. The main goal of our team is to prove that anyone can put a video game together in todays world with enough time spent on it. I had no PHP coding skill andI managed to code a very secure login system.

I just want to wrap up the blog with putting the highlights of everything in one post;

 This is the model of the soldier for one of the teams. We will only use one model per team to make it easier to identify friendlies vs. enemies.
This particular soldier is very detailed and we really like it. Also don't mind the missing sky texture.
 This is the model for the other teams soldier. He has a blue texture to make identification much easier to create a much faster paced game that realies more on strategy than just getting lucky and not having your enemy notice you.

This is just a photo that shows where we are at with block placing. There currently is no other block other than dirt but we plan to have; grass, dirt, cement, and wood. The cement will need to be crafted but it provides a much more durable fort. This is to add strategy and time management to the "prep" period of each round.

The video is very shaky thanks to youtube and their shake filter but other than that and the minor glitches/bugs enjoy the first video of semi gameplay!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

First Video

Name Plates

Sorry for the lack of updates today, I spend a majority of my time getting php and mysql stuff figured out. Finally got a login system working and then I decided to tackle something less confusing and add nameplates to the game. I think the font needs to be a little bit bigger but overall I really like it. Can't wait to see them in game. They are going to prove useful when communicating with your teammates and coming up with a strategy.

#8ite Bullets

Friday, November 1, 2013

Probably Last Update For Tonight

Built a wall and aimed out the window to see how it looked. You guys can be the judges. I personally really like the looks so far and I can't wait to see what the end product will look like. YottiBit thinks that this game is going to be big. Do you agree?

Login Screen

Check out the login screen provided by Stoch from YottiBit! I love it. It all works perfectly together! We are continuing to get more excited about this game as it all starts to look good and work! We will continue to keep you updated. Please show your support by following us @YottiBit

Just wanted to update you guys with the player model that we are working on! The gun is just a place holder that we will be replacing soon! Anyway just checking i, I got to get back to work! I want to have a lot of main functions done by the end of this weekend!

It's Time

It is time. We are finally starting to work on guns. This is a huge step so we will be working on them for awhile. Especially since each gun requires its own animations. We will hopefully have a pistol done tonight so we can show you how it's going to look!

How To Make A Forum Thread That'll Get Views

We've all experienced the sadness yielded by posting a forum thread that gets a very important idea across and gets no views. You continuously click refreshing hoping to see replies and comments increase but they just stay at 0.

YottiBit has come up with a how to guide to solve your problem.

The steps to creating a good forum thread are as follows:
  • Catchy title
  • Quality Pictures
  • Interactive Context
  • Controversy

The catchy title bit is usually the most important in getting views because this is where users will decide whether they click it or not. You never want to be blunt about your title and just say "My cat is white". You want to intrigue the reader and make them wonder what the context of that thread is. An example would be "Is it a pile of snow or a cat".

Quality pictures are also super important to a good forum post. People like pictures and it's like they always say a picture is a thousand words. Put pictures of interesting things or to explain your argument/idea.

Do you like interactive context? Does it make reading more interesting to you when you have to think while you read instead of being hand fed by the writer? The two sentences before this are examples of interactive context. It'll keep the reader interested and make them think about the writing

Controversy is a great tool when it comes to getting replies and comments. If you provide a topic that is debatable then people will debate the topic in your comments. More comments means more views and this is exactly what you want.

Using these steps you can create a forum thread that people will enjoy reading and also leave feedback. This is a good way to get views and a great way to build up a following on projects or ideas. =