Monday, July 14, 2014

A Step Away From Technology

I'm outraged as I get my first gulp of adulthood. I worked my first real job, got my first real bills, bought my first car, made a leap into the adult hood that I have a right to enter. I leaped into this new phase of life with a pocket full of hundreds from graduating. Quickly it was like a vacuum was hooked to the pocket which I kept those hundreds in and they were sucked out of my possession. We have become slaves to the Government, the economic aspects of life have washed us down to nothing, where a majority of our pay is given to those who are taking our freedoms and to the basic necessities of survival. A majority of Americans no longer buy things they want but only things they need.

Slavery: submission to a dominating influence 
 We the people have submitted to the dominating force of the Government. Therefore we are slaves.

Just a PARTIAL list of some of the taxes the average American citizen pays;

  • Accounts Receivable Tax
  • Building Permit Tax
  • Capital Gains Tax
  • CDL license Tax
  • Cigarette Tax
  • Corporate Income Tax
  • Court Fines (indirect taxes)
  • Deficit spending and debt servicing (Fiscal 2011 state and local debt per capita was $9184)
  • Dog License Tax
  • Federal Income Tax
  • Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA)
  • Fishing License Tax
  • Food License Tax
  • Fuel permit tax
  • Gasoline Tax
  • Hunting License Tax
  • Inflation
  • Inheritance Tax Interest expense (tax on the money)
  • Inventory tax IRS Interest Charges (tax on top of tax)
  • IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax)
  • Liquor Tax (Spirits, wine and beer)(From zero per gallon in Vermont to $34.22 in Washington for spirits)
  • Local Income Tax
  • Lottery (Fiscal 2011 per capita average was $59)
  • Luxury Taxes
  • Marriage License Tax
  • Medicare and Medicaid Taxes
  • Property Tax
  • Real Estate Tax
  • Septic Permit Tax
  • Service Charge Taxes
  • Social Security Tax
  • Road Usage Taxes (Truckers)
  • Sales Taxes
  • Recreational Vehicle Tax
  • Road Toll Booth Taxes
  • School Tax
  • State Income Tax
  • State Unemployment Tax (SUTA)
  • Telephone federal excise tax
  • Telephone federal universal service fee tax
  • Telephone federal, state and local surcharge taxes
  • Telephone minimum usage surcharge tax
  • Telephone recurring and non-recurring charges tax
  • Telephone state and local tax (Cell phone state and local tax rates in 2013 range from 1.85% in Oregon to 18.67% in Nebraska)
  • Telephone usage charge tax
  • Toll Bridge, Tunnel and Road Taxes
  • Traffic Fines (indirect taxation)
  • Trailer Registration Tax
  • Utility Taxes
  • Vehicle License Registration Tax
  • Vehicle Sales Tax
  • Watercraft Registration Tax
  • Well Permit Tax
  • Workers Compensation Tax
                                                                                                                          - List taken from NowAndFutures

This is only a partial list and I'm sure we could find more if we dug deeper. The Government literally needs to get paid for anything you do. 

Like I said, I bought my very first car. I went to a wholesale used car and truck dealer a couple towns away. I found a car I liked and I had around $2600 and the salesman said "well that car is exactly $2600" so I was excited. 10 minutes later I'm asking my dad for money because after we added all the taxes and fees to the price it was $3000 and I still hadn't paid the excise tax or registration fee. 

Which is another thing, registering a car was meant solely for the purpose of the cops and government to keep track of who owned which car, so shouldn't we only have to register a car when it switches owners?
The same thing happened with the fishing license, it used to be a voluntary thing, then it was a voluntary thing but they wanted $1, now it's a mandatory thing and they want $2. It's saltwater, they do not have the right to charge me to fish in the ocean. Yes, It's only $2 but the point is that the Government slowly works their way into your pocket so thy can have all of our money. Without money we are weak and it becomes much easier for them to keep us their slaves.

I don't know much about taxes and the economy yet, since I'm just now diving into adulthood but I do know that they take a lot of money from the people and I know that time are tough right now and the Government just continues to drain our wallets and purses. 

Sorry for the rant about politics on a more technology based blog but it was needed, and I hope that some of you guys can add to it in the comments.

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