Monday, July 14, 2014

Why Android Is Better Than The iPhone -A never ending war

Sadly I traded my Android in for an iPhone 5s to "fit in". It was a big mistake in my opinion and here's why. Although the iPhone burned its path into the phone business with a far more superior phone in the beginning it has lost a lot of momentum as Android blows it away in today's market. Apple is still patting themselves on the back for their switch from a tiny 3.5 inch display to a 4 inch display while Android's 4.3 inch RAZR is considered a small phone. These large displays are great for reading text easier and immersing the consumer deeper into their videos and media. Not only are androids beating iPhone's with their larger display they also offer more functionality, such as NFC support, making sharing files much easier. Just tap the back of your phones together and boom you're sharing files. Another step ahead in the functionality department Android also offers widgets on the home screen while iPhone barely offers the ability to move your apps where you want them. Android also takes the cake in innovation, as they step into a realm of 40 megapixel cameras and water proof phones they also offer the advantage of micro-USB cables compared to the iPhone's proprietary connector. Customization is another big thing with the Android as it offers third-party keyboards and lots of other apps that will modify your phone and it's on-screen appearance. After owning both types of phones I've also come to the conclusion that Android is much more "geek friendly" as it doesn't require to be jail broken or rooted to access far more options than the iPhone could even dream off. From a developers point of view the android takes the cake as well as it is a lot cheaper to develop android apps and much easier to get them into the marketplace. In conclusion to the facts that point out Android's superiority over the iPhone I still believe that Apple will thrive as humans hate change and love to fit in (like myself). 

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