Monday, July 14, 2014

Robocraft -A genius idea

The other day I was bored on Steam, I decided to search for a new game. I've always been the type of gamer that loves anything with the word "craft" in it; Starcraft, Minecraft, World of Warcraft, all the "craft" games are very addicting to me. So I typed "craft" into the search on Steam and Robocraft came up. I read the description and honestly was kind of skeptical about it. I waited the hour that it took to download and install and then launched it. I was worried that it would be one of those games where you only stood a chance if you bought your way to having this super impressive war machine, although it did offer real money purchases they were not things that increase your robot. There was an array of cosmetics you could buy with real money but I don't think ANY actual upgrades.

The Point Of The Game:

Well basically you build a robot, you can add wheels, different type of blocks, different guns, hover jets, thrusters, radars, all kinds of stuff and as you level you unlock even more things to add.

The builder is really simple, its a left and right click set up like Minecraft but the opposite. They give you certain blocks for free but the more advanced blocks you have to buy with the points you get from playing. You can fly by holding space and lower yourself with shift, and "Q" opens your inventory which you can also access the "Cube Depot" from. You press "R" to rotate things and to repair your robot after battling. Tab will open up a menu. Thats all the controls while you are in the garage, pretty simple.

Once you are done perfecting your death machine you go up to it and press "E" and you will be sent into battle with other players.

I have to admit that my favorite part of this game is the concept of battling. As players shoot your robot it will actually fall apart. You will lose guns, wheels, blocks, and everything else until there is nothing left. It makes the game far more interesting than if you just had a health bar and blew up when it ran out. It is a very unique idea and honestly I think it's what makes the game so great. The controls in battle are just as simple as those in the garage; "WASD" to move, left click to shoot, and right click to aim in. While in battle you will see flying vehicles, gun towers, tanks, and stealthy small robots. You can win through two methods, take out the whole enemy team or stand on the giant circle long enough to "claim" it. The battle is thrilling and it's always different.

The Graphics:

The graphics aren't aiming at a realistic type of environment but rather a sci-fi realism. They capture it well too. The ships are impressive and fun to look at and they give different shape blocks so everything doesn't have to be square. The terrain is wonderful because the vehicle is actually affected by it. For example if you drive on ice it gets much slipperier than driving on dirt. The gun graphics are incredible and the explosions from the plasma cannons give a very thrilling experience as you and the robot army beside you charge at the other teams front. 

The Sound Effects:

The sad truth is that they are horrible in my opinion. They are annoying and too repetitive. Although they do represent a sci-fi environment they just aren't what I was looking for.


I give this game a 9/10 especially due to the fact that it is free to play and there is literally no lag and no bugs that I have found so far. I recommend everyone tries this game out. Maybe I'm just a wicked geek but this game could be one of the best computer games I've played in the last 3 years.

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